''Saturday Night Live'' is an American sketch comedy series created and produced by Lorne Michaels for most of the show's run. The show has aired on NBC since 1975. These years saw many cast changes, most prominently Will Ferrell's exit in 2002 and Jimmy Fallon's exit in 2004. Cast members hired during this period that would later have a huge impact on the show include Fred Armisen and Amy Poehler. ==Quality period (2000–01)== (詳細は2000–01 season marked the beginning of yet another transitional phase. While veterans such as Chris Kattan and Will Ferrell still dominated the show, more time was being given to newer cast members such as Horatio Sanz and Jimmy Fallon (whose prodigious ability at impressions would be increasingly utilized). Both men were also criticized for regularly and self-consciously breaking character during many sketches. Long-time cast member Molly Shannon left the cast at mid-season. This was also Jerry Minor's only season. In 1999, Tina Fey became the show's first female head writer. With Colin Quinn's "Weekend Update" tenure over, Lorne Michaels teamed Fey with Jimmy Fallon this season, the first duo to anchor the segment since Christine Ebersole and Brian Doyle-Murray in the early 1980s. This pairing was well received by critics.〔 Fey appeared occasionally as an extra before being hired as a cast member. Fey was a featured player during her first season and was then promoted to contract player, while still maintaining her position as head writer. Chris Parnell was fired at the end of this season, only to be rehired during the next season. He was eventually fired a second time at the end of the 2005–06 season. 抄文引用元・出典: フリー百科事典『 ウィキペディア(Wikipedia)』 ■ウィキペディアで「History of Saturday Night Live (2000–05)」の詳細全文を読む スポンサード リンク